Desarrolla sistemas de cultivo y de control de invernaderos capaces de producir un 30% más rápido en cualquier clima del planeta, Nuestros sistemas de cultivo y control, están produciendo en climas extremos como son Dubai, o Groenlandia.
H2HYDROPONICS Es una compañía con operaciones en más de 25 países con visión internacional desde el minuto uno. Desarrollamos para nuestros clientes proyectos hidropónicos y de vertical farming llave en mano con una tasa de éxito del 100%.
Acompañamos a nuestros clientes desde la fase conceptual y de prospección a través de la selección de tecnologías y proveedores hasta la instalación, puesta en marcha y consolidación de los procesos productivos y de negocio.

Gareth Taylor Owner of Milestone Farms
“H2HYDROPONICS gave me exceptional amounts of help and advice from the outset of my initial thoughts and plans right through to the installation and operation of my system. Quality of equipment and materials supplied is very high and we have had 3 years of ‘no hassle’ operation. After sales care is also great and H2HYDROPONICS team are always available to answer any queries or thoughts with the ongoing operation of my system.”
Gareth Taylor – British herb grower /Milestone Farm, Upton Upon Severn, Worcestershire, UK

Abdul Wajid from BT Greenhouses Pakistan
“I had also ordered many Equipment regarding Automation and the Hybrid Hydroponics system from H2 Hydroponics and I must say I am very satisfied with their product’s Quality, Design and User Friendliness.
The most acknowledged thing about H2HYDROPONICS was the overall support of the company regarding virtually any problem I had to face whether it was installation of equipment or running the project. H2HYDROPONICS was helpful and understands the needs of the clients at any moment and stage of the project development.
Our H2HYBRID and H2 T-CONTROL system is Working with high efficiency and by that I mean the PH and EC controls are very stable with the help of Automation Unit plus the design of the Hydroponic system had been given a great deal of thought into it and feels like a design made after years and years of experience.
I hope for more people to get their products and enjoy and Reliable experience when it comes to Vegetables and Soft fruit farming.”
Abdul Wajid – BT Greenhouses Pakistan